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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Post Orientation Reflection

1)Doing the rope course during the Orientation camp.
Our class getting 3rd for the skit.
being the emcee for the badge ceremony .

2)getting stuck in the middle of the rope course.
When I found out that I had to say everyones name during the badge ceremony as a emcee
That we could not get 1st in the skit

3)You have to have courage
You have to be confident in order the achieve your goals
That you have to keep on trying.

4)I learnt I am capable of trying my best in anything.

5)I am looking forward to having fun with my friends and learning lots of new things.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 1 Mac Attack 1 - Activity 4: End-of-Day Reflection"

Reflection Questions
  1. What have you done today? I have made new friends and made a Blog about myself on the class blog
  2. What have you learnt today? I have learnt how to use Blogger
  3. Why did you choose to come to SST? Because I think its fun
  4. What are your aspirations as a member of the SST family? I want to pass all my exams with flying colours and have fun along the way
  5. How have you grown from the activities conducted today? Use one of the pictures from the PICASA album which best illustrates your growth (especially in relation to the 3Rs)